Hello There!

Welcome to my little spot on the interwebs! If you don’t already know I am the designer & maker behind Brindle Babe Designs.

Be cautioned this is a little bit of a long post, I want you all to know a little about me and my back story. Future posts will be all things yarn I promise!

Some tid bits about me right off the bat I’m a southern California native, a few things that make me happy besides yarn is sushi, burritos, my boyfriend, moody sunsets, my dog Adlay, winter time and trees!

From a very young age I always loved crafting, making, imagining up things with crochet, knitting, sewing, drawing, painting, and photography. As far as I can think back, I have always had some sort of craft or art medium in my life. I even went to college for photography & graphic design.

I pursued photography for about 6 years which was good for a while but ultimately depression took over my life and I could no longer serve my clients the way I wanted to. Not long after photography sadly began to phase out of my life I started casually crocheting again. Thankfully Doctors were able to pinpoint the source of my depression due to a vitamin imbalance. But I was still dealing with anxiety especially when I was travelling and in 2017, I spent more time in a plane or a car than I ever had in my life, so I turned to crochet even more which helped immensely.

I then decided to pick knitting back up again and thought I could just jump right in and make an entire sweater, turns out I had to completely relearn everything (thank god for YouTube!). In the spring of 2018 I decided to create an Instagram account for my makes just as a way to have a portfolio. Because if college taught me anything it’s how important it is to have a portfolio in any medium. With the opening of my new fiber account, I then stumbled upon the “maker community” that I never even knew existed! I was so inspired and have not stopped being inspired since. I had no idea that people actually did this for a living that just never even entered my mind as a possibility. I decided I needed an outlet from my mundane day job as a way to continue to help my anxiety, so I spent this year learning as much as I possibly could. I didn’t want to jump in and rush into this (as someone who normally does that) I wanted to enjoy this journey. So, I took the time to learn all about different fiber’s, blogging, construction of garments, pattern writing, building a website, opening an Etsy shop and everything in between.

If there is anything, I can leave you with it’s if you don’t feel yourself and are struggling mentally, reach out to someone you trust to get help. And know that I am always here as someone who will listen and just be a friend. I know how lonely depression feels but you don’t have to be alone in it!

Thank you so much for reading a little bit of my story! I am so excited for 2019 and the things I have planned to share with you!


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